We aim to provide a complete research, analysis and portfolio recommendation service for most of the 500 public companies within the publicly traded information technology universe. We aspire to provide research more than reporting and to provide actionable recommendations as much as just research.
Our goal is to help our clients find under-appreciated and under followed companies and to avoid trying to follow the herd. We recognize that one of the principle goals of our service will be to avoid accidents-the bane of investors. We recognize that our clients have worked hard for their money and want to preserve their capital as well as see it grow. To that end, we intend to provide timely analysis that seeks out tomorrows headlines the night before.
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Financial Advisor
After Josephthal closed I started my own independent research consultancy specializing in enterprise software, storage and IT outsourcing. I Also ran a small hedge fund. I closed both of those ventures and have been on a sabbatical the past few years. Manage my own money and those of a few close friends. All of our investments are in tech and we also take positions in small start-up ventures